APMA has the resources you need to help you through every step of your career. With detailed information about MIPS and recent coding trends along with compliance guidelines and practice marketing materials, APMA has you covered whether you are just getting started in practice, preparing for retirement, or anywhere in between.
Today's podiatrist has the necessary education and training to treat all conditions of the foot and ankle and plays a key role in keeping America healthy and mobile while helping combat diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Your feet are excellent barometers for your overall health. Healthy feet keep you moving and active. They are quite literally your foundation. In this section, learn more about APMA Seal-approved and accepted products, proper foot care, common foot and ankle conditions, and how your podiatrist can help keep you and your feet healthy.
APMA is the only organization lobbying for podiatrists and their patients on Capitol Hill. As the voice of podiatric medicine to your legislators and regulators, APMA is active on a variety of critical issues affecting podiatry and the entire health-care system.
ICD-10: Test Your Knowledge scenarios and answers
Practice Management, Reimbursement Issues,Coding,Members
Archive of previous "ICD-10: Test Your Knowledge Scenarios and Answers"
Reimbursement Issues, Coding,Medicare
Do you want to get more involved with APMA but not sure where to start? Young physicians have numerous opportunities to contribute to the podiatric co...
About APMA, Governance,Membership,Young Physicians
The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) today announced it has been selected for the second year in a row as one of The Washington Posts Top...
About APMA
APMA requests submissions from members who are interested in presenting a lecture(s) at the APMA 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting (The National), July 2...
Education, Continuing Education,Events,The National
Did you know that out of the nearly 7,000 bills and joint resolutions introduced each congressional session, less than five percent get enacted into l...
Advocacy, Federal Legislative
The 2017 APMA Practice Management Expo and Coding Seminar was held on May 20 and 21 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, just outside...
Events, Members,Students,Young Physicians,Career Development,Today's Podiatrist
This fellowship is a two year program involving multidisciplinary advanced training in infectious disease/dermatology/plastic surgery and vascular med...
James R. Christina, DPM, will assume the office of APMA executive director and CEO on October 24 at the fall meeting of the APMA Board of Trustees.
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Rockville, MD 20852
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