Run, Walk, or Sleep in from Afar for Students! | News | APMA
Run, Walk, or Sleep in from Afar for Students!

August 10, 2024

four friends smiling at finish of a 5K

The 14th Annual Team APMA 5K Fun Run will take place on Saturday, August 10, at 6 a.m. at The National. If you have not yet registered, do so by visiting the APMA booth (#411). The cost to participate is $40; attendees, exhibitors, and family members are all invited to participate. If you are a student, ask about your special rate! Proceeds from the run benefit the APMA Educational Foundation Student Scholarship Fund. If you have already registered, you may pick up your shirt at the APMA booth. This is a guided course that will take walkers and runners on a tour of Washington, DC’s iconic sights.

Don’t like to get up early or want to participate from off site? Register to “sleep in” for the 5K. “I Slept Through the 5K In Support of Podiatric Medical Students” shirts are limited.

Since the first event more than a decade ago, more than 1,800 runners, walkers, and “sleepers” have raised more than $200,000. This event was the brainchild of Florida podiatrists Rob Frimmel, DPM, and Cary Zinkin, DPM.

Team APMA gratefully acknowledges the sponsors of this year’s race: ASICS America Corporation; Present e-Learning Systems; and McClain Laboratories.

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