State Leadership: Support a Young Physician in Your State | News | APMA
State Leadership: Support a Young Physician in Your State

July 18, 2024

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Support a young physician leader in your state with a nomination to participate in the APMA Emerging Leaders Program (ELP)! The application cycle for the second iteration of this leadership intensive program is now open.

The ELP is available exclusively to APMA young physician members (members who graduated from podiatric medical school within the past 10 years). Nominees must demonstrate a strong interest in building leadership and advocacy skills within the profession. Components must sign the pre-formatted ELP statement of support. Of the nominees, APMA will select up to 15 young physicians to participate in the program.

Program activities will begin in the fall of 2024 at the ELP Leadership Summit in Chicago and conclude at the APMA 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting (The National) in Dallas. Like in previous years with the Young Physicians’ Institute (YPI), APMA will split sponsorship costs for each participant to attend the ELP Leadership Summit in Chicago, up to $500, with the participant’s component society or other sponsoring institution. Please consider discussing your component’s ability to provide this funding with applicants prior to completing their statement of support.

Application materials will be accepted through August 3. We look forward to another successful iteration of the ELP and appreciate your continued partnership and investment in the growth of our young physician membership!

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