URGENT: Field Testing for Episode-Based Cost Measure under Development: Non-Pressure Ulcers  | News | APMA
URGENT: Field Testing for Episode-Based Cost Measure under Development: Non-Pressure Ulcers 

March 4, 2024

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CMS has contracted with Acumen, LLC to develop episode-based cost measures for potential use in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). One measure currently under development is related to Non-Pressure Ulcers.

CMS is conducting field testing for the Non-Pressure Ulcers episode-based cost measure and your input is needed. If you received a Field Test Report in your Quality Payment Program account, please share your feedback with CMS through the Field Testing Feedback Survey by March 14.

Please also share your Field Test Report with APMA. If this measure is finalized, it could impact you financially in future MIPS Performance Years. We want to ensure that the podiatric profession’s voice is heard. We need your feedback to advocate for you.

If you have questions or wish to share feedback with APMA, please email mips@apma.org.

For detailed information on the Non-Pressure Ulcers Episode-based Cost Measure development process and field testing, go to www.apma.org/npucost.

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