APMA has the resources you need to help you through every step of your career. With detailed information about MIPS and recent coding trends along with compliance guidelines and practice marketing materials, APMA has you covered whether you are just getting started in practice, preparing for retirement, or anywhere in between.
Today's podiatrist has the necessary education and training to treat all conditions of the foot and ankle and plays a key role in keeping America healthy and mobile while helping combat diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Your feet are excellent barometers for your overall health. Healthy feet keep you moving and active. They are quite literally your foundation. In this section, learn more about APMA Seal-approved and accepted products, proper foot care, common foot and ankle conditions, and how your podiatrist can help keep you and your feet healthy.
APMA is the only organization lobbying for podiatrists and their patients on Capitol Hill. As the voice of podiatric medicine to your legislators and regulators, APMA is active on a variety of critical issues affecting podiatry and the entire health-care system.
APMA is pleased to announce the winners of the APMA 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Competition. The six categories of awards are as follows:
Outstanding Oral Abstract Presentation: The top three oral abstract presentations as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Education Committee:
First place: Transarticular Delta Screw Configuration for Primarily Ligamentous Lisfranc Injuries—Spencer R. Arndt, DPM, will receive $500
Kristen M. Brett, DPM
Kyle W. Abben, DPM
Second place: Augmenting the Deltoid Ligament with Posterior Tibial Tendon Transfer: A Novel Technique—Hummira H. Abawi, DPM will receive $250
Yumna Siddiqui, DPM
Stephanie Wu, DPM
Jones Thomas, DPM
Ian B. VanderGulik, DPM
Third place: Surgical Repair of Atraumatic Tibialis Anterior Tendon Ruptures with Extensor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer: A Case Series Reviewing Surgical Technique and Intermediate Outcomes—Danielle L. Nack, DPM will receive $100
Kristen M. Brett, DPM
Kyle W. Abben, DPM
Outstanding Poster Abstract (Single Case or Small Case Study/Series): The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Education Meeting Committee:
First place: Short-Term Outcomes with Minimally Invasive Midfoot Charcot Reconstructive Surgery—Sara Mateen, DPM, will receive $500
Michael Thomas, DPM
Asma Jappar, DPM
Stephanie Wu, DPM, MSc
Norman Siddiqui, DPM
Second place: Synovial Sarcoma of the Rearfoot: A Case Study—Joan Jerrido, DPM, will receive $250
Tae Won Kim, MD
Raj Patel, DPM
Daryl Silva, DPM
Third place: Incorporation of FHL Tendon into the Achilles Tendon to Improve Function—Jason R. Miller, DPM, will receive $100
Krista J. Kotzeva, DPM
Ryan Tonucci, DPM
Jessica Somma, DPM
Outstanding Poster Abstract (Large Case Study/Series): The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Education Meeting Committee:
First place: Opioid Prescribing Approaches in Limb Salvage Surgery, “One Size Fits All” versus “Patient-centric and Procedure-Focused,” among Podiatric Physicians: A Cross-Sectional Study—Brandon M. Brooks, DPM, MPH will receive $500
Chia-Ding (JD) Shih, DPM, MPH, MA
Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, Ms, CAE
Second place: 30-Day Readmission Following Outpatient Transmetatarsal Amputation in the Geriatric Population: An ACS NSQIP Analysis—Dominick J. Casciato, DPM, will receive $250
Karen Kirkham, MD
Jacob Wynes, DPM, MS
Third place: Are Intramedullary Fibular Nails Cost Effective from a US Payer’s Perspective?—Rachel H. Albright, DPM, MPH, will receive $100
Adenike Adeyemo
Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH
Outstanding Poster Abstract (Resident): The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Education Meeting Committee:
First place: Incidence of Concomitant Injuries Occurring with Talus Fractures: An ACS-NSQIP Database Study—Abad Majeed, DPM, will receive $500
Rachel H. Albright, DPM, MPH
Jeffrey R. Baker, DPM
Waleed Mirza, DPM
Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH
Second place: Lesser Metatarsophalangeal Joint Implant Arthoplasty: A Case Series Highlighting Treatment of Degenerative Joint Disease in the Lesser Metatarsophalangeal Joints—Michaela Heys, DPM, will receive $250
Kristen M. Brett, DPM
Garrett Nelson, DPM
Kyle Abben, DPM
Third place: A Rare Case of Gabapentin- Induced Compartment Syndrome of the Lower Extremity—Varsha Atuluru DPM, will receive $100
Aria Mansoori, DPM
Paul J. Carroll, DPM
Outstanding Poster Abstract (Student): The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Education Meeting Committee:
First place: The Effect of Felt Padding Thickness on Gait and Plantar Pressure—Priya Patel, will receive $500
Mili Langi
Sai Vikas Yalla, PhD
Stephanie Wu, DPM, MSc
Second place: The Approach to the Pigmented Foot Lesion: An Advanced Case of Malignant Melanoma and Literature Review—Whitney E. Branham, will receive $250
Stephen Isham
Elena Ion
Evelyn G. Heigh-Rosen, DPM
Third place: Pain Medication Intake During Immediate Postoperative Period May Not Predict Patient Reported Outcomes Following Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lateral Ankle Instability—Vishnupriya Bodempudi, MBS, will receive $100
Ali Khavari, DPM
Ojiugo D. Onwukwe
Jasmine Magsino
Phuong M. Tran
Payal Sethi
Paul Kim, MD
Brandon M. Brooks, DPM, MPH
Chia-Ding (JD) Shih, DPM, MPH, MA
Outstanding American Public Health Association (APHA) Foot and Ankle Health Section Student Poster Abstract and Arthur B. Helfand, DPM Award winner as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Education Meeting Committee:
A Novel Postoperative Opioid Educational Intervention Entitled the Ten Principles of Opioid Prescribing in Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Four-Year Pre-Post, Mixed Methods Mega-Study—Camille P. Ryans, DPM, MPH, will receive $250 and the Arthur B. Helfand, DPM Award
Brandon M. Brooks, DPM, MPH
Chia-Ding (JD) Shih, DPM, MPH, MA
Jeffrey M. Robbins, DPM
Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, MS, CAE
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Rockville, MD 20852
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