APMA Supports Appropriate Code Values at RUC Meeting | News | APMA
APMA Supports Appropriate Code Values at RUC Meeting

May 2, 2023

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APMA representatives participated in the AMA/Specialty Society RVS Update Committee (RUC) meeting April 26–29 in San Diego. The RUC provides medicine a voice in shaping Medicare relative values. The RUC is a unique multi-specialty committee dedicated to describing the resources required to provide physician services that CMS considers in developing Relative Value Units (RVUs). APMA’s RUC team consists of Advisor Brooke Bisbee, DPM, APMA trustee; Alternate Advisor Susan Wash, DPM, Health Policy and Practice Committee member (HPPC); and Second Alternate Andrew Pavelescu, DPM, HPPC and Coding Committee member.

At these meetings, APMA attendees may caucus with related specialty groups, provide input on relevant codes, and make presentations on appropriate code practice expense components and work relative value units. Your APMA representatives participate to protect podiatrists’ interests and also to protect the appropriate code values. APMA members can view a recorded webinar on the RUC process as well as how RVUs can be used in contract negotiations.

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