Update - HRSA to Provide Limited Relief to PRF Recipients Who Failed to Report During Reporting Period 1 | News | APMA
Update - HRSA to Provide Limited Relief to PRF Recipients Who Failed to Report During Reporting Period 1

April 4, 2022

Updated April 5, 2022

HRSA will provide an opportunity for non-compliant providers to complete a report as a result of specific extenuating circumstances. Please monitor https://www.hrsa.gov/provider-relief/reporting-auditing for additional information coming soon. 

On March 31, APMA sent a formal request to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to reopen the Reporting Period for at least 60 days to applicable Provider Relief Fund (PRF) recipients who did not successfully report via the HRSA PRF Reporting Portal by the November 30, 2021, deadline.

APMA has heard from many providers who would have reported in good faith but were unable to do so for a variety of reasons, such as staffing issues related to COVID, difficulty in navigating the website, and lack of awareness that they were obligated to report as the threshold changed significantly after the attestation and HRSA did not provide sufficient communications about it.

APMA is among many other societies who have requested this action by HRSA. As announced on April 2, HRSA will be offering a limited window to report if you failed to do so during the reporting period. APMA recommends members impacted by this issue take the following steps to ensure that they are ready to report:

  • have all documents available and ready to go;
  • make sure you are register for reporting via the PRF reporting portal;
  • make sure your contact information is up-to-date, and that you are receiving direct communications from HRSA at the email of your choosing; and
  • monitor HRSA’s website for any updates regarding Reporting Period 1, which APMA will also be doing.

To read the comment letter in full, visit www.apma.org/CommentLetters. If you have questions, contact the APMA Health Policy and Practice Department.

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