APMA has the resources you need to help you through every step of your career. With detailed information about MIPS and recent coding trends along with compliance guidelines and practice marketing materials, APMA has you covered whether you are just getting started in practice, preparing for retirement, or anywhere in between.
Today's podiatrist has the necessary education and training to treat all conditions of the foot and ankle and plays a key role in keeping America healthy and mobile while helping combat diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Your feet are excellent barometers for your overall health. Healthy feet keep you moving and active. They are quite literally your foundation. In this section, learn more about APMA Seal-approved and accepted products, proper foot care, common foot and ankle conditions, and how your podiatrist can help keep you and your feet healthy.
APMA is the only organization lobbying for podiatrists and their patients on Capitol Hill. As the voice of podiatric medicine to your legislators and regulators, APMA is active on a variety of critical issues affecting podiatry and the entire health-care system.
APMA is pleased to announce the winners of the APMA 2020 Online CECH Summer Series Abstract Competition!
The six categories of awards are as follows:
The top three oral abstract presentations as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:
First place: Conservative versus Surgical Management of Fifth Metatarsal Diaphyseal Fractures: A Retrospective Review
Marc D. Jones, DPM, will receive $500
Kerry Sweet, DPM
Second place: Avoiding the Deep Plantar Arterial Arch in Transmetatarsal Amputations: A Cadaver Study
James H. Whelan, DPM, will receive $250
Caroline Kiser, DPM
John Lazoritz, DPM
Third place: Validation of the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score for Use in Infracalcaneal Heel Pain
Alisha P. Joshi will receive $100
Christopher Collazo, DPM
Erin Klein, DPM, MS
Lowell Weil Jr., DPM, MBA
Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH
The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:
First place: Creation of a Mock Operating Room Environment for Assessment of Orthopaedic Resident Surgical Skills: A Starting Point Toward the Development of Deliberate Practice
Stephen J. Merena, DPM, will receive $500
Andrew Kaplan, MD
Lara Stone, DPM
Mark Charlson, MD
James Michelson, MD
Elizabeth Ames, MD
Second place: Chinese Foot Binding: A Case Analysis of Biomechanical and Radiographic Pathology and Implications
Christina Pratt, DPM, will receive $250
Jian Zeng
Wei Dong
Third place: Radiographic Analysis of the Isolated Talonavicular Arthrodesis in the Treatment of Pediatric Pes Valgus Deformities
Rizción B. Dagani, DPM, MBA, will receive $100
Andrea D. Cass, DPM
José M. Gonzalez, DPM
The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:
First place: Association and Trends of Current Prevention Guidelines in Reducing Hospitalizations for People with Diabetes
Rachel H. Albright, DPM, MPH, will receive $500
Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH
Second place: A Prospective Longitudinal Analysis into the Development and Progression of Structural First Metatarsal-Phalangeal Joint Pathology: Pilot Data of an Initiated 50-year Investigation
Andrew J. Meyr, DPM, will receive $250
Third place: A Literature Review Exploring the Use of Botulinum Toxin A Injection Therapy for Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome Treatment
Ebony Love, DPM, will receive $100
Michelle Garcia, DPM, MS
Ziad Labbad, DPM, MD, CPed
The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:
First place: Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Plantar Fascia Release for Plantar Hallux Ulcer
Blake Hale, DPM, will receive $500
David Millward, DPM
Second place: A Novel Surgical Approach to the Correction of Rigid Hammertoe Deformity in a Patient with Diabetes and Dorsal Digital Ulcerations
Adi Pajazetovic, DPM, will receive $250
Dylan Kaumaya, DPM
Amanda Figliuzzi, DPM
David C. Hatch Jr., DPM
Third place: End-to-Side Nerve Transfer for Management of Chronic Anterior Leg Compartment Muscle Weakness
Lisa M. Harrison, DPM, will receive $100
Yen N. Tran, DPM
Shawn Christopher Ward, DPM
The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:
First place: Effects of Pentoxyfylline on Healing Times in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Zackary Clor will receive $500
Katie Landry, DC
Derek Talbot, DC
Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH
Second place: Implementation of a Dedicated Treatment Algorithm to Prevent, Diagnose, and Treat Lower Extremity Hematomas Will Improve Patient Outcomes
Sarah E. Chmielewski will receive $250
Windy Cole, DPM
Stacey B. Coe, CCRP
Third place: Peroneocalcaneas Muscle and Other Anomalous Variants in the Lateral Compartment of the Lower Extremity: A Cadaveric Case Report
Alexander M. Kramer will receive $100
Ashley A. Schneider
Lindsey N. Bustos
Dy Chin, MS
Jarrod Shapiro, DPM
Mathew J. Wedel, PhD
The winner as selected by APMA Online CECH Summer Series participants:
Toenail Dust as an Occupational Hazard in Podiatry: A Systematic Review
Komal Saini will receive $250
Melody Khosravi
Jannani Krishnan
Tiffany Tran
Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, MS
Chia-Ding Shih, DPM, MPH, MA
11400 Rockville Pike, Suite 220
Rockville, MD 20852
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