Additional Provider Relief Funds Made Available | News | APMA
Additional Provider Relief Funds Made Available

April 27, 2020

CARESS Act written on mask, American flag

Last week HHS announced additional plans for distributing funds from the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund, stating that $50 billion would be a “General Distribution” based proportionately on the provider’s 2018 net patient revenue. Providers have already received $30 billion via this fund. Of the remaining $20 billion, approximately $10 billion was scheduled to be released on April 24 to providers who have already shared key data with HHS.

Providers who already have received funds from the initial $30 billion must sign into the general distribution portal to provide revenue data if they would like to receive additional funds. Providers must attest to each payment associated with their billing Taxpayer Identification Number(s), if they have not already done so. Per the newly released FAQs, providers will also need to attest to the Terms and Conditions for the first $30 billion, within 30 days of receiving the fund, if they have not already done so.

HHS has released a user guide to assist with this data submission process. One key element of the cost reporting is information from the provider's tax returns. Additionally, providers will need their W-9 and Medicare or Medicaid ID number.

APMA’s understanding is that the total funds being provided in this round will take into account any funds the provider previously received as part of the $30 billion distribution. Subsequent to the funds being deposited, within 30 days of receipt of the funds, the provider is requested to log onto the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund attestation portal to confirm receipt and agree to the terms and conditions. Please note that these terms and conditions are not identical to those for the $30 billion distribution. Additionally, according to HHS, if providers receive a payment from funds appropriated in the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund for provider relief (“Relief Fund”) and retain that payment for at least 30 days without contacting HHS regarding remittance of those funds, they are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions.

For more information, visit or call the CARES Provider Relief line at 866-569-3522.

Source:  Hart Health Strategies, Health Policy Briefing, April 27, 2020

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