APMA Advocacy Update | News | APMA
APMA Advocacy Update

April 13, 2020

Advocacy in block letters

APMA has been working hard to ensure our members are seen, heard, and represented as various government agencies work to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Last week, APMA advocated via the following mechanisms for members:

  1. Urged DHS to clarify that DPMs are included in the definition of physician for purposes of the federal government’s recommended list of essential services;
  2. Signed on to an American Academy of Dermatology-led letter to private payers urging them to follow CMS telehealth guidance; and
  3. Signed on to an American College of Physicians-led letter to CMS urging CMS to provide payment parity between telephone E/M and office visit E/M codes during the COVID-19 crisis and work with MACs to ensure recent CMS guidance and rules are followed. 

Members can read these letters at www.apma.org/commentletters.

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