Phillip E. Ward, DPM, Installed as President | News | APMA
Phillip E. Ward, DPM, Installed as President

March 22, 2015

Phillip E. Ward, DPM

APMA President Phillip E. Ward, DPM.

On Sunday, Phillip E. Ward, DPM, was installed as president by his daughter Meredith Ward, DPM. Dr. Ward addressed the House of Delegates and shared his goals for his presidency. His foremost goal is to continue to advance the association’s progress along the Pathway to Parity by adhering to his beloved home state’s motto: Esse Quam Videri. North Carolina’s motto, translated, is “to be rather than to seem.” Dr. Ward said the motto suits podiatric medicine well. “This is what APMA is,” Dr. Ward said. “APMA is an organization that acts. APMA is an organization that gets things done.”

Dr. Ward outlined the many ways that APMA is unique in the podiatric medical profession, including its impressive advocacy record, its involvement in AMA’s CPT and RUC processes to guide physician payment, its coding resources, its involvement in public health, its relationship with other medical organizations, its support for students and residents, and more. He exhorted delegates to help promote APMA and expressed his gratitude to the delegates for the honor of serving as president.

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