APMA has the resources you need to help you through every step of your career. With detailed information about MIPS and recent coding trends along with compliance guidelines and practice marketing materials, APMA has you covered whether you are just getting started in practice, preparing for retirement, or anywhere in between.
Today's podiatrist has the necessary education and training to treat all conditions of the foot and ankle and plays a key role in keeping America healthy and mobile while helping combat diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Your feet are excellent barometers for your overall health. Healthy feet keep you moving and active. They are quite literally your foundation. In this section, learn more about APMA Seal-approved and accepted products, proper foot care, common foot and ankle conditions, and how your podiatrist can help keep you and your feet healthy.
APMA is the only organization lobbying for podiatrists and their patients on Capitol Hill. As the voice of podiatric medicine to your legislators and regulators, APMA is active on a variety of critical issues affecting podiatry and the entire health-care system.
APMA’s 95th House of Delegates meeting convened in Washington, DC, on Saturday, March 21. The meeting opened with addresses from staff and member leaders. Glenn B. Gastwirth, DPM, executive director and CEO, set the tone for the meeting by encouraging delegates to “think strategically and be prepared to take bold new steps forward.” He suggested APMA members should be proactive on behalf of the profession by taking steps such as joining the Podiatric Health Section of the American Public Health Association and using APMA’s eAdvocacy system to support our Helping Ensure Life- and Limb Saving Access to Podiatric Physicians (HELLPP) Act legislation.
Frank Spinosa, DPM, president, addressed the HOD to reflect on his presidency. Dr. Spinosa remembered the goals he outlined at the beginning of his presidency, including his focus on dispelling the myth of an “us versus them” dynamic between leadership and the membership at large. He noted “incredible progress” toward the goals of Vision 2015, including mandatory three-year residency training, an uptick in applications to podiatric medical schools, and the promotion of podiatrists as physicians. “But we can’t stop until we achieve parity under Title XIX and for our military brethren,” Dr. Spinosa said. “We will never stop advancing on our Pathway to Parity.”
During the Saturday proceedings, the HOD confirmed the selection of James R. Christina, DPM, as APMA’s next executive director and CEO. Dr. Christina is the current director of Scientific Affairs and will replace retiring CEO Dr. Gastwirth.
On Sunday, APMA hosted a town hall session during which delegates had an open forum to discuss suggestions and priorities for the association and its work on behalf of the profession. The HOD also reviewed the results of a survey that was disseminated to the membership to gauge strategic priorities. The survey results and input from the house will be used in APMA’s next strategic planning effort scheduled for July.
Before the house recessed Sunday, Speaker of the House J.D. Ferritto Jr., DPM, announced the candidates for office.
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