Online CECH: Culinary Coaching | APMA
Online CECH: Culinary Coaching

June 6, 2024

APMA Online Learning Center

Contact Information: Email

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Member Exclusive

Thursday, June 6, 8–9 p.m. ET

1.0 CECH

Presented by the APMA Podiatric Population Health Committee.


This program will share the culinary/nutrition aspects of taking care of patients, especially those with chronic diseases. 

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of considering culinary/nutrition choices of patients, especially those with chronic diseases. 
  • Identify methods to talk with patients about nutrition and the impact culinary choices have on healing and improved outcomes. 


  • Jenneffer Pulapaka, DPM

Location and Registration

This program is available for FREE and is exclusively for APMA members. Once enrolled, you can access this course in the "Courses and Enrollments" section of the Online Learning Center. 

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