Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association | Practicing DPMs | Who We Are | State Components | APMA
Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association

The asterisk (*) indicates the membership contact for the state component.

State Component President

J. Allen Sudberry, DPM
Tennessee Foot & Ankle Specialists, PC
397 Wallace Rd.
Homles Plaza, Building C, Suite 311
Nashville, TN 37211
Phone: 615-712-7366
Email: jasudberry@hotmail.com

Executive Director

Marit Sivertson, JD
1465 Arcade St.
Saint Paul, MN 55106
Phone: 615-353-0046
Fax: 615-353-0046
Email: marit.sivertson@tnpma.org

Maddie Baker*
1465 Arcade St.
Saint Paul, MN 55106
Phone: 615-353-0046
Fax: 615-353-0046
Email: maddie.baker@tnpma.org

Visit the Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association Website

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